Through his energetic and transformative presentations, Greg has inspired people around the world at global conferences and national conventions with his talks on The Art of Thriving, True Leadership in Times of Change, The Biochemistry of Sales, and Tribes that Thrive.
Greg has gained renown for his uniquely effective and practical approach to creating collaborative, high-trust, high-performance workplace cultures that motive people even in times of extreme change. Based on behavioral, social, and neuro-scientific research, his programs provide participants with tangible tools that result in positive biochemistry. This biochemistry keeps individuals and teams in the executive function of the brain where innovation, problem solving and relationship building can flourish.
Greg has presented his work to the executive teams of some of the most recognized global companies, among them GE, Walgreens, Wells Fargo, Hilton, Mercedes-Benz USA, Kohl’s, AXA, and Google, as well as to successful start-ups like Snapfish, FreshDirect, and SlightLife. A growing specialty is in healthcare (both on the business and clinical sides) at places such as NYU Med Center, UCSF Med Center, Stanford Med Center, Permanente Medical Group, and The Mayo Clinic where he’s presented at Grand Rounds, taught in the School of Medicine, and worked with Department Chairs and more than 5000 physicians and nurses.

Greg has been on the faculties of the American Hospital Association Fellowship Programs, the UC Berkeley School of Public Health (where he recently taught Leadership, Sustainability, Happiness and Health to graduate students) and continues to be a guest lecturer at Stanford University, UC Berkeley, Baylor College of Medicine, and the Global Health Institute at the University of Wisconsin Madison. Through the Greenwall Foundation, he also runs a two-year leadership program for prominent bioethics leaders at leading universities.

“Greg Hicks has been an extremely popular speaker at the Applied Brilliance Conferences and many of the other thought leadership events I’ve produced. He’s empathetic, smart, savvy, funny, enlightening, and every time he presents his model of leadership and happiness, Greg’s story resonates with individuals of all ages, professionals and life stages, and he customizes his message to create a life-changing, life-affirming and inspirational experience for any audience.”
Deborah Patton
Applied Brilliance Worldwide Conferences
‘Working with Greg has been transformative for everyone on our faculty and staff, both professionally and personally. He has helped us create a high-trust work environment. We now have a culture of accountability and a common language which allows us to resolve conflict more quickly and respectfully. It is amazing that in just a few days Greg could have such a profound and lasting impact. Working with him is the most important thing I have done as a leader."
Amy L. McGuire, JD, PhD
Director, Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy, and Professor of Biomedical Ethics
Baylor College of Medicine
When I first saw Greg Hicks in action, I was astonished at his ability to be completely engaging, funny, and yet so wise. Whether presenting at one of our leadership conferences, or engaging with University students in a classroom setting, Greg lights up the room as he ignites courage, curiosity, and hope. Greg’s presence and the practical strategies, activities, and tools he teaches are gifts, recognized by audiences everywhere with rousing standing ovations.”
Carole Pertofsky
Wellness and Health Promotion Services
Stanford University
“Greg Hicks has masterfully helped us build highly trusting and functioning oncology and research teams through his evidenced-based approach to success. It’s hard to sort out what makes Greg’s work so magical – the person, or the content. Actually, it’s the combination that makes his impact so transformative, and sustainably so.”
Laura Esserman, MD, MBA
Director, UCSF
Carol Franc Breast Cancer Center
Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the World
“The powerful FosterHicks model, and the way Greg and Rick teach it, has changed my life and greatly enhanced the happiness, health and leadership of hundreds of people I’ve connected to them. We’ve been fortunate to have them teach courses and lead multiple seminars for students at UC Berkeley and be keynote speakers at our conferences on leadership and collaboration for physicians and other health professionals. Greg and Rick always get top ratings and participants go out of the way to tell me the profound difference they make – and to ask for more!”
Jeffey S. Oxendine
Associate Dean
UC Berkeley School of Public Health
Greg Hicks is one of the most dynamic and exciting keynote speakers I’ve met. With the audience in the grips of his hands, he creates connection, engenders trust, and leaves the participants with concrete and tangible tools. The feedback from business leaders representing more than 40 countries was superb.”
Ethne Treanor
Master of Ceremonies
World Retail Congress, Dubai
FosterHicks is without doubt the most effective leadership development consulting company with which I have ever worked. I measure the quality of leadership and executive development consultants in terms of their ability to truly effect change. Foster and Hicks have been able to create positive sustainable behavior change with hundreds of leaders without our organization. Both Greg and Rick are knowledgeable, approachable, and know how to balance support for the individual with an action orientation on behalf of the company.”
Eden Feder
Executive VP of Human Resources
Zenith Insurance Company